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classNamestring(optional) Outer DOM element class name
directionstring(optional) Direction of sub components. Can be: horizontal or vertical.
wrapboolean(optional) True to wrap contents if there is not enough space. Defaults to true.
justifystring(optional) How to place sub components if there is space available in the container. Can be: flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around or space-evenly.
alignstring(optional) How to align sub components. Can be: flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch or baseline.
dividerstring(optional) How to separate sub components. Can be: space or line.
sizeCountnumber(optional) Define how many parts your layout should be divided in. should be used in combination with a Layout.FlexItem. Defaults to 12.
spacingstring or false(optional) How much space between sub components. Can be medium, small or false for no spacing.
elementstring or React.Element(optional) Define the type of element. Defaults to div.
childrenReact.Node(optional) Contents.